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Hey, Chris here.Like you, I’ve lived through the immense challenge of becoming a single dad—navigating financial loss, personal struggles, and the everyday challenges that come with raising children alone. Here's my story.

How I Lost Everything (Three Times)

Years ago, I lived through the devastation of Hurricane Katrina (This was my first loss). It has been recorded as the worst storm in US history, and I watched as my home town of New Orleans was almost entirely submerged in water, leaving thousands stranded, and many dead. Our apartment was completely flooded, and the home we were building was still unfinished. Out of desperation, I moved to Memphis to begin rebuilding our life, and then later to Tampa for a promotion I received.While working in banking in Tampa, I experienced the Global Economic Crisis firsthand (This was my second loss). I was in my bank office when we received the news that the bank had failed. I witnessed the panic as people rushed to withdraw their funds, a clear sign of the widespread fear sweeping across our country. It wasn’t exactly the best time to be in banking. My career plans shattered, I had to pivot, but as completely unsure of what to do.Since our kids were young still, we decided that selling everything and moving to Guatemala was a good idea. My wife being from there, we were going to be surrounded by family, and offered the opportunity to work in a family business.After a few initial years of really loving the change, I was once again confronted with loss and tragedy (This was my third loss), only this time, it was much more intense—both financially and personally. I lost over $150,000 from a coffee business I had started, and shortly after, I began the painful process of divorce.As a foreigner in Guatemala, I realized I had virtually no rights, a situation even more dire as a father. I felt abandoned, alone, and hopeless, watching my children suffer through the pains of our failed marriage, unsure of how to rescue them or myself from our situation.

The "Aha" Moment That Changed Everything

Only through what I can describe as a series of miracles did I manage to return to the United States with nothing but resolve and a deep love for my children. Starting from scratch in Dallas/Fort Worth, I decided it was time to learn from my mistakes and failures. No more running, no more blaming others, no more seeking the next big opportunity.I made some key changes that resulted in massive transformation.- Began operating a small business, gaining knowledge in:
-> Finances
-> Operations
-> Sales
-> Management
- Acquired a mentor, accelerating my learning by lightyears- Stopped pursuing relationships that didn't serve my best interests- Recognized myself as the common denominator in my losses- Accepted responsibility and realized the need for personal changeI'm living out my life now with passion and purpose. I've learned to embrace my losses as fuel for reaching new goals. I've learned to heal, and operate in abundance.And you can, too.

How This Can Help You

At The Savage Dad Saturday, I share everything I’ve learned on this journey. Every Saturday, you’ll receive one actionable tip that I’ve personally vetted and found invaluable. These aren’t just theories; they are life-tested strategies and insights that have helped me build a life of fulfillment and purpose. From practical advice on managing daily stresses and financial planning to building meaningful relationships and fostering a supportive community, I am here to guide you through.Here are 5 main areas of focus:Fatherhood
Personal Growth
Thank you for being here. Whether you’re just starting your journey or you're well on your path, I look forward to growing together, learning from one another, and building lives we can all be proud of.Let’s embrace the journey,

Two ways I can help you.

01. Subscribe - The Savage Dad Saturday Newsletter.Every Saturday, I share practical guidance to help you transform your life as single Dad.

02. Schedule - Schedule a 1-on-1 call with me to start leveling up.

Subscribe to The Savage Dad Saturday Newsletter.Every Saturday, I share practical guidance to help you transform your life as single Dad.

About Me

Dad Life: I've been a dad for almost 20 years, and for half of that time, I've been doing it on my own as a single dad. I have three boys: 19, 14 and 11.Business Experience: I've been working in small businesses for 15 years, learning all about how to run a company in both aviation and CPG manufacturing.Speak Two Languages: English and SpanishNew Orleans Saints Fanatic: I'm still stuck in the Drew Brees era.Lifting Weights and Running: I've been lifting weights and running for 10 years.Avid Reader: Anything on self-improvement, human psychology, high performance, leadership, and business. The book I'm currently reading is, Never Split the Difference. Negotiating as If Your Life Depended on it.

Subcribe to The Savage Dad Saturday Newsletter.Every Saturday, I share practical guidance to help you transform your life as single Dad.

Every Saturday morning, receive a a life-changing message.Each week comes with one actionable tip, packed with practical advice to help you navigate the challenges and triumphs of fatherhood, all in less than 4 minutes.

Subcribe to The Savage Dad Saturday Newsletter.Every Saturday, I share practical guidance to help you transform your life as single Dad.

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Subcribe to The Savage Dad Saturday Newsletter.Every Saturday, I share practical guidance to help you transform your life as single Dad.

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I want to make sure that I send you exactly the type of content and newsletters you want to read. Please comment below if you are looking for something specific.-Chris